British Values at London Screen Academy

London Screen Academy (LSA) is a mixed, multicultural, 16-19 institution.  As a community, we are dedicated to providing a range of opportunities that enable all of our students to flourish.

Part of our role in preparing students at LSA for adult life in modern Britain is ensuring that we promote British values to our students.

The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and these were reinforced in 2014. The British values are:

  • Democracy

  • The rule of law

  • Individual liberty

  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

At LSA students will encounter these values within the curriculum and through our provision for the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of all who attend the academy. We aim to ensure that the values permeate everyday college life and link with our core values.

Click below to see examples of some of the ways in which we embed the British Values at LSA within the curriculum and day to day life.