Our Level 3 course is for those aged 16-18. LSA students study the UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Practice. This qualification is equivalent to 3 A Levels and is recognised by UK universities.

The Course

A person operating a professional video camera on a tripod, surrounded by other people in a room with exposed ductwork.

Students receive 15 hours a week of teaching across a range of Film and TV subjects and will also have compulsory weekly masterclasses and screenings. 

All students choose a pathway to study:

• Production Management

• Craft

• Technical

• Post Production

In addition to this, all students study our three core subjects: Development, Industry Progression and Storytelling.


Development lessons students will primarily learn the Development Phase of the screen industries, exploring generating ideas, testing them for audiences and preparing to pitch them to commissioners etc. Students will also be offered a base level of screen industry terminology and theory, alongside being taught specific tools for more original, distinct and trailblazing storytelling on screen. 

Industry Progression

Industry Progression is a bespoke careers course for the screen industries. In year 1, students explore entry-level job roles and the routes to achieve them, create a professional online identity, and develop key professional behaviours. Students also participate in communication workshops both in person and through a specialised VR programme.

In year 2, students take part in a mock traineeship assessment day, participate in a 1-1 interview, and acquire essential finance and self-management skills required for the world of freelance work.


In Storytelling students will study ‘storytelling beyond the screen’. This is primarily a creative course, in which the outputs will be ideas for stories and stories told in different formats. In the course of our studies, we will go right back to the earliest forms of storytelling, looking at visual stories told on cave walls, and oral stories told around the campfire. We will look at how storytelling has evolved with technology and human society, and how this informs the kinds of stories we want to tell and how we tell them. 

What Are AdQuals?

As well as Film and TV classes, students have to study an Additional Qualification (AdQual) in either English or Maths A Level, or an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification, worth half an A Level) or Core Maths, also worth half an A Level.